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Sie lieben aus keinem anderen Grund, als dass sie einfach zu viel Liebe haben - so wie eine Regenwolke regnen möchte, so wie eine Blume ihren Duft verströmen möchte, ohne jeden Wunsch etwas zu bekommen. 94% A bodypart that is clothed in winter but not summer, 94% A button on a calculator other than a number, 94% A canned food you always have in the pantry, 94% A child star who is still famous as an adult, 94% A country known for its ancient ruins, 94% A food or drink you enjoy hot and cold, 94% A food people eat directly from its container, 94% A food that comes in a pack of 4 or more, 94% A food that starts with the word "French", 94% A food with a country/nationality in its name, 94% A form of transportation without wheels, 94% A game played on a specific type of table, 94% A job an athlete might have after he/she retires, 94% A job that's hard to do with laryngitis, 94% A language that uses a different alphabet, 94% A movie with an animal as the main character, 94% A number you consider when buying a used car, 94% A piece of clothing people buy without trying it on, 94% A place that might have a waiting list, 94% A place that's more crowded right after work, 94% A place where people listen to the radio, 94% A place where you normally don't wear shoes, 94% A place you may keep a spare house key, 94% A profession that involves cutting something all day, 94% A reason a student would be moved to the front of the class, 94% A reason someone might stay up all night, 94% A reason you'd quickly close car windows, 94% A reason you'd wake someone up at night, 94% A saying that means you're "in trouble", 94% A sport in which you need a good swing, 94% A type of filling in a box of chocolates, 94% A way you know your neighbors are on vacation, 94% A weather term that can also describe a person, 94% A word other than "love" found in love songs, 94% An activity for which men wear Spandex, 94% An animal that weighs more than 100kg/200lbs, 94% An animal to which you don't want to be compared, 94% An instrument you don't picture a child playing, 94% An occasion for which you get dressed up, 94% Countries that begin and end with "a", 94% Country with a star/stars on its flag, 94% Fast food menu item that is not fried, 94% I wish my boyfriend/girlfriend was moreâ¦, 94% Important milestones people record for babies, 94% It makes you feel better when you are sick, 94% It wakes you up in the middle of the night, 94% It's good for you but you don't like it, 94% It's hard to build but easy to destroy, 94% Items found in a school lost and found, 94% Job you wanted to do when you were a kid, 94% Jobs that require a very early morning start, 94% People get this removed from their bodies, 94% People may lie about this on dating profiles, 94% Promotional items companies give away, 94% Someone real or fictional with lots of muscles, 94% Someone you see everyday other than family, 94% Something a dentist puts in your mouth, 94% Something a germaphobe wouldn't like to do, 94% Something a guest calls hotel reception about, 94% Something a parent might borrow from a child, 94% Something a teenager asks permission to do, 94% Something associated with Switzerland, 94% Something detectives look for at a crime scene, 94% Something electric you use in the morning, 94% Something families pass down from generation to generation, 94% Something fast food employees give you too much of, 94% Something for which a Boy Scout would earn a badge, 94% Something for which airlines charge extra, 94% Something for which you have insurance, 94% Something for which you need to use coins, 94% Something in your house that stays on at night, 94% Something listed on a job announcement, 94% Something of which we like to take pictures, 94% Something of which you wish you had more, 94% Something old people and babies have in common, 94% Something other than your teeth you clean with a toothbrush, 94% Something parents tell kids not to waste, 94% Something people are chased by in movies, 94% Something people do on a lunch break other than eat, 94% Something people do on rollercoasters, 94% Something people do when taking pictures, 94% Something people do with old newspapers, 94% Something people don't like doing alone, 94% Something people like to do when it rains, 94% Something people might share on a date, 94% Something people now do online that they used to do in person, 94% Something people put in a time capsule, 94% Something people save from their wedding day, 94% Something people take from hotel rooms, 94% Something people yell at that can't yell back, 94% Something politicians do when running for office, 94% Something that can be ruined by a scratch, 94% Something that gets smaller over time, 94% Something that happens a lot on soap operas, 94% Something that makes someone look rebellious, 94% Something that might wash up on the beach, 94% Something that needs wind to function, 94% Something toddlers carry around with them, 94% Something we won't need anymore in the future, 94% Something you accidentally leave on the roof of your car, 94% Something you always forget to pack for a trip, 94% Something you ate when you were a kid, 94% Something you buy by weight at the grocery store, 94% Something you buy that you hope you won't have to use, 94% Something you buy that's already full of holes, 94% Something you buy to prepare for a storm, 94% Something you can see but cannot touch, 94% Something you carry on your shoulders, 94% Something you change when you move into a house, 94% Something you do before you go to bed, 94% Something you do in front of a mirror, 94% Something you do multiple times a day, 94% Something you do to put a baby to sleep, 94% Something you do to wake up when you're tired, 94% Something you do while waiting in line, 94% Something you do with your best friend, 94% Something you do/happens to you when you're scared, 94% Something you do/use to ease back pain, 94% Something you don't like about the beach, 94% Something you don't want to get smaller, 94% Something you don't want to see when camping, 94% Something you find in a hardware store, 94% Something you find under couch cushions, 94% Something you have in both your house and car, 94% Something you have in your house but never use, 94% Something you have more than one of in your refrigerator, 94% Something you have to change from time to time in your house, 94% Something you keep in the glove compartment, 94% Something you liked as a kid and still appreciate, 94% Something you may find to eat on a deserted island, 94% Something you need on a desert island, 94% Something you never have enough time to do, 94% Something you never run out of at home, 94% Something you pay someone to do at your home when you travel, 94% Something you put in a case so it doesn't break, 94% Something you put in a front shirt pocket, 94% Something you put on a bookshelf besides books, 94% Something you smell before you buy it, 94% Something you turn off at the end of the day, 94% Something you use to clean your teeth/mouth, 94% Something you worry you forgot to do before leaving home, 94% Something you'd do if you didn't have to work, 94% Something you'd do if you heard a burglar in your house, 94% Something you'd do if you saw an alien, 94% Something you'd find in a bank robber's bag, 94% Something you'd find on a Swiss Army knife, 94% Something you'd find washed up on a beach, 94% Something you'd rather pay someone to do for you, 94% Something you'd stop doing if you won the lottery, 94% Somewhere you expect to stand in line, 94% Somewhere you'd find a crowd of people, 94% Somewhere you're not allowed to chew gum, 94% The most beautiful cities in the world, 94% Things that require a license or permit, 94% Things you always put off for the next day, 94% Words that begin with a silent letter, 94% You always forget to buy this at the supermarket, 94% You didn't like it as a kid but like it now, 94% You don't like to do it but feel better when it's done, 94% You have more than two of these on your body, 94% You turn your phone off at this place, 94% You worry you didn't do it when you left your house. Find out how the local tax... Expats moving to Germany for the long term should consider what inheritance tax... Branching out alone in Germany? We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. At any time you can refer to our page 94% of cheats and answers, or you can independently guess all levels, at the same time using tips in the form of jokers. Each level contains three sublevels, one of which is an image, for this reason the game became so popular and interested in a lot of people. This guide explains what to arrange for retirement in Germany. – Ihre Immobiliensuche in Franken. “Brain Out” is a new addictive free tricky puzzle game with a series of tricky brain teasers and different riddles testing challenge your mind. To find out how you can make your money go further, read our guides to finance in Germany. This guide explains everything you need to know about home... Planning on driving a vehicle in Germany? Let us guide you through the maze of taxes in Germany. Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; Nuestro proyecto hermano Wikipedia creció tremendamente rápido en un corto período de tiempo. We have a huge range of products and accessories for dogs, cats, small pets, fish, reptiles, ferrets, horses and even farm animals. ist die Online-Tierhandlung mit den günstigen Preisen. Retiring in Germany has plenty of perks for expats, with great healthcare and a high standard of living. There are a number of types of insurance in Germany for expats to consider, some compulsory and some optional. Wikilibros ( es un proyecto de Wikimedia para crear de forma colaborativa libros de texto, tutoriales, manuales de aprendizaje y otros tipos similares de libros que no son de ficción. Abo & Service: Telefon: 0711 7205- 6161 If you are stuck then head over to to find all the answers and walkthrough for each level. If you’re living in Germany long-term, you will be subject to file a German tax return. é uma loja de animais online com preços baixos que propõe mais de 100 000 referências na alimentação, alimentos, produtos e … This site uses functional cookies and external scripts to improve your experience. Alle, die die Quelle der Liebe in sich gefunden haben, sind nicht mehr darauf angewiesen, geliebt zu werden - und sie werden geliebt werden. Learn about what causes air pollution and how to help reduce the effects. Welcome & Orientation Incoming Exchange Students Summer Semester 2021 11 Mär 2021 - 12 Mär 2021 | 10:00 - 15:30 Uhr This site uses functional cookies and external scripts to improve your experience. NOTE: These settings will only apply to the browser and device you are currently using. Der Entwickler Focus Apps ist schon bekannt für solche Spiele. 15% - Paper, Resume, papers, Application, Script, Resumes, Applications, CV, C.V. 39% - Dirt, Mud, Sand, Ground, Earth, Soil, 31% - Digger, Crane, Machine, Bulldozer, Truck, Tractor, Backhoe, Excavator, Machinery, 14% - Construction, Work, Build, Building, 32% - Water, Bottle, Bottles, water bottle, water bottles, 25% - Marathon, Race, Triathalon, Racing, Relay, Cross country, Fun run, 37% - Bat, fruit bat, Flying squirrel, fox bat, fruitbat, wolf bat, 38% - Space shuttle, Rocket, shuttle, spaceship, Space ship, Rocket ship, 17% - Kid, Girl, Child, Boy, Kids, Childhood, 55% - Fish, Salmon, Tuna, Shark, Swordfish, 23% - Wood, Board, Cutting board, Table, Chopping board, 25% - Canal, Water, River, grand canal, Channel, 24% - Bridge, Rialto, Ponte di Rialto, Rialto Bridge, 67% - Tools, Wrench, Pliers, Saw, Hammer, Spanner, tool, Socket, Wrenches, Spanners, plyers, 41% - Ladybug, Bug, Insect, Lady bug, Ladybird, Beetle, Lady bird, 32% - Polar bear, Bear, Polar, a polar bear, polar bears, 24% - Ice, Iceberg, Glacier, Ice caps, ice cap, icecap, melting ice, Ice raft, Icy, melted ice, Broken ice, Ice melting, 6% - Global warming, Climate change, Warming, Global warm, 6% - Arctic, North Pole, North sea, The Arctic, 5% - Stranded, Alone, Lonely, Stuck, Lost, Isolated, Isolation, 31% - Balloon, balloons, Hot air balloon, air balloon, air balloons, 22% - Colorful, colors, color, Colour, Rainbow, colours, colourful, 12% - Sun, sunset, sunny, sunrise, sunlight, 7% - Jar, Jug, Bottle, Big jar, Mason jar, 14% - Cans, Can, Barrel, Barrels, Drums, Container, Buckets, 11% - Radioactive, Nuclear, Radiation, Biohazard, Bio hazard, 24% - Bottles, bottle, water bottle, water bottles, 21% - Rubbish, Trash, Garbage, Waste, Litter, 6% - Agility, agile, agility course, agility test, 35% - Hike, hiking, Climb, Tramp, Tramping, 13% - Quiet, Shh, Shhh, Shush, Silence, Shhhh, 34% - Bear, Bears, Grizzly, Grizzly bears, 31% - Family, Cubs, Cub, Baby, Mom, Mother, Mama, Babies, Momma, 21% - Forest, Tree, Trees, Woods, Wood, Jungle, 5% - Wild, Wilderness, Wildlife, Wild life, 11% - Rice, Crops, Rice fields, Rice paddies, rice terraces, rice field, rice feild, 27% - Popsicle, Ice cream, popsicles, Ice pop, 20% - Colors, color, Blue, Red, Green, Orange, colorful, Purple, 23% - Hose, Wires, Tubes, Wire, Tube, Pipes, Cables, Cable, Cords, Rope, Chords, 10% - Astrology, Zodiac, Star sign, Star signs, 38% - Game, Play, video game, games, video games, gaming, 21% - Headset, headphones, Microphone, headphone, head set, head phones, Earphones, 12% - Computer, Screen, Console, Television, Monitor, 61% - Lamb, Sheep, Kid, lambs, baby sheep, 19% - Grass, Field, Pasture, Meadow, Paddock, 11% - Genetics, Genes, Chromosome, Gene, Chromosomes, 13% - Bush, Trees, Plant, Plants, bushes, Hedge, Hedges, Shrubs, Shrub, 15% - Fit, Healthy, Toned, Fitness, Athletic, 35% - Water, Lake, Pond, River, Sea, Underwater, 11% - Rod, Pole, Fishing rod, Fishing pole, 53% - Run, Exercise, Jog, Running, Walk, Jogging, Workout, Sport, Walking, 12% - Woman, Girl, Women, Lady, Runner, Jogger, 17% - Shelves, Shelf, Bookshelf, Bookcase, Bookshelves, 10% - Allergies, Allergy, Reaction, Allergic, 30% - Boxing, Boxer, Box, Fighter, Fighting, 48% - Tools, Axe, Knife, Weapons, Spear, Weapon, Hatchet, tool, Knives, Spears, 5% - Old, Ancient, Prehistoric, Primitive, History, Stone age, Prehistory, 12% - Escape, Break out, Breakout, Breaking out, escaped, 11% - Spray, Mist, Shoot, sprayer, Shooting, spraying, 14% - Containers, container, Boxes, Box, Crates, 6% - Beauty, beautiful, Pretty, Picturesque, Gorgeous, Stunning, 3% - Peaceful, Calm, peace, Quiet, Serene, Tranquil, Serenity, 14% - Eruption, erupt, Explosion, Explode, Spew, Burst, erupting, 11% - Machine, Sprinkler, Sprayer, machinery, Sprinklers, Machines, 11% - Irrigation, Spray, irrigate, Watering, 32% - Chocolate, white chocolate, milk chocolate, 29% - Chick, Duck, Bird, chicken, Duckling, 69% - Makeup, Powder, Lipstick, Pencil, Blush, Mascara, Compact, Foundation, Eyeliner, Cosmetics, Lip gloss, Gloss, Eye liner, Blusher, Eye shadow, Cosmetic, Bronzer, 12% - Nail Polish, polish, nailpolish, Nail varnish, 38% - Fall, Crash, Accident, Wreck, falling, fell, Wipeout, 32% - Bike, bicycle, Cycle, Cycling, biking, mountain bike, 9% - Cyclist, Man, Rider, Biker, Person, Athlete, Bicyclist, 6% - Hurt, Injury, Pain, Break, Broken, Ouch, Injure, Injured, 27% - Tire, Wheel, tires, Wheels, Tyre, Tyres, 7% - Drink, Feed, Eat, Feeding, Drinking, Eating, 30% - Magic, Magician, Trick, Tricks, Magic trick, Magic show, 5% - Makeup, Make up, Paint, Face paint, Make-up, 11% - Man, Professional, Guy, Gentleman, Businessman, Male, Business man, Gentelman, 6% - Formal, Fancy, Smart, Classy, Dressed up, Sharp, Dress up, Dressy, Formal wear, 13% - Fight, Joust, Battle, Duel, Jousting, Fighting, 3% - Medieval, Middle Ages, Middle Age, medieval times, 35% - Rain, Drops, Shower, Rainy, Raining, Raindrops, Rain drops, 40% - Boxing, Fight, Box, Boxer, Match, Fighting, Fighter, Boxers, 45% - Buttons, Lever, button, Switch, Switches, Keys, Levers, 18% - Video mixer, Sound board, Control, Controls, Board, Panel, Control panel, Control board, 17% - Screens, screen, Computer, Monitor, Computers, Monitors, 10% - Tree, trees, Forest, Pine, Woods, pine trees, 29% - Party, Reception, Dinner, Event, Celebration, Function, Gathering, Occasion, 17% - Chairs, chair, Seats, Seat, Seating, 14% - Building, House, buildings, old building, 3% - Clothes, Laundry, Washing, clothes line, Drying, Wash, Clothing, Washing line, Cloths, 43% - Video game, game, FIFA, games, video games, gaming, 21% - Controller, control, Remote, controler, 39% - Concert, Party, Show, Rave, Festival, Gig, 26% - Lights, Light, Laser, Lighting, Light show, Spotlight, Lasers, Lightshow, Strobe lights, 18% - Crowd, People, Fans, Audience, Crowded, Lots of people, 11% - Music, Band, Singer, Rock, Live music, Loud music, Musicians, 38% - Orca, Whale, Killer whale, Whales, Orca whale, 11% - Jump, Dive, Flip, Jumping, Breach, Leap, Breaching, Flipping, Leaping, 9% - Black and white, Black, White, Black & white, 48% - Chocolate, Candy, Snickers, Sweet, Bars, Sweets, Twix, Bar, Variety, Chocolates, Kinder, Candy bar, Chocolate bars, Bueno, Candy bars, Mars, Cadbury, Dairy milk, Aero, Galaxy, Lion, Bounty, Chocolate bar, Kinder bueno, 27% - Vending machine, Machine, Vending, Snack machine, 8% - Money, Pay, Coins, Coin, Change, 60p, Dollar, 19% - Market, Shopping, Shop, Shops, Stores, Stalls, Store, Markets, German market, 13% - Christmas, Holiday, Festival, Holidays, 16% - Experiment, Test, Research, Testing, Experiments, Tests, 36% - X-ray, Xray, X ray, Scan, Xrays, X rays, X-rays, 28% - Light, Torch, Flashlight, Headlamp, Lamp, Headlight, Head lamp, Head torch, Head light, 22% - Explorer, Girl, Woman, Explore, Women, Lady, Exploring, Spelunker, 36% - Santa, Santa claus, Father Christmas, 9% - Christmas, Christmas eve, Christmas day, 59% - Fortune cookie, Fortune, Cookie, Cookies, Fortune cookies, Fortunes, 23% - Chinese, China, Chinese food, Asian, 18% - Wildebeest, Buffalo, Antelope, Bison, Water buffalo, Wildebeests, 44% - Wagon, Carriage, Cart, Covered wagon, Caravan, Waggon, Conestoga, Chuckwagon, Stagecoach, Chuck wagon, Conestoga Wagon, 19% - Old, History, Antique, Vintage, Old time, Old days, Old fashioned, Olden days, Old times, 7% - Pioneer, Amish, Pioneers, Gypsy, Settlers, Cowboys, 40% - Telephone booth, Phone, Telephone, Booth, Phone booth, Box, Telephone box, Pay phone, Phone box, 20% - London, England, British, English, Britain, United Kingdom, Great Britain, 4% - Old, Antique, Vintage, Old fashion, Old fashioned, Retro, 52% - Russian dolls, Doll, Dolls, Russian doll, Matryoshka, 31% - Puppet, Puppets, Puppet show, Hand puppet, Hand puppets, Sock puppet, Sock puppets, 28% - Girl, Kid, Child, Kids, Girls, Children, 35% - Bungee jump, Jump, Bungee, Bungee jumping, Bungy, Bungy jump, Bungy jumping, Bunjee jumping, Bungee jumper, 8% - Fall, Falling, Free fall, Free falling, 19% - Native American, Indian, Indians, Native americans, Aboriginal, Aboriginals, American Indian, American Indians, 26% - Sign, Signature, Signing, Sign here, 59% - Light bulb, Lightbulb, Light, Bulb, Lights, Bulbs, Lightbulbs, Light bulbs, 9% - Electricity, Energy, Electric, Power, 5% - Evolution, Progress, Invention, Progression, Evolve, Improvement, Advancement, Change, Innovation, Evolution of light, Evolved, Evolving, Inventions, 41% - CPR, Compression, Compressions, Mouth to mouth, Chest compressions, Resuscitation, Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, 24% - Class, Training, Lesson, Train, Course, Demonstration, Lessons, 25% - Meditate, Pray, Meditation, Prayer, Meditating, 9% - Pose, Tree, Tree pose, Poses, Standing tree, Tree stand, 37% - Blueprint, Plans, Plan, Blueprints, Blue print, Blue prints, 21% - Construction, Building, Build, Builder, Construction worker, Construct, Constructor, 21% - Hard hat, Helmet, Safety hat, Hard helmet, Safety helmet, 5% - Architect, Architecture, Archetecture, 25% - Tug-of-war, Tug of war, Tug a war, Tug o war, Tug-a-war, Tug-o-war, Tug of rope, Tug a rope, 10% - Toxic, Hazmat, Poison, Biohazard, Radioactive, 13% - Travel, Vacation, Holiday, Traveling, Holidays, Travelers, 21% - Black and white, Black, White, Black & white, White and black, 20% - Smell, Stink, Smelly, Stinky, Odor, Smells, Bad smell, 40% - Doctor, Nurse, Paramedic, EMT, Medic, Doctors, 5% - Defibrillator, Defibulator, Defibrilator, Defibulater, Defibilator, Defibrulator, Defibulators, Defibrilators, 23% - Teeth, Tooth, Sharp teeth, Big teeth, 50% - Spices, Curry, Spice, Herbs, Seasoning, Seasonings, 28% - Milkshake, Shake, Smoothie, Milkshakes, Shakes, Smoothies, 12% - Famous, Celebrity, Stars, Royal, Celebrities, Royalty, Actors, Fame, Famous people, Movie star, Movie stars, 7% - Entrance, Door, Doors, Doorway, Entry, Grand entrance, 7% - Event, Awards, Party, Gala, Wedding, Oscars, Award, Ceremony, Premiere, Ball, Celebration, Grand opening, Important event, Special event, 40% - Alarm, Smoke detector, Fire alarm, Smoke alarm, Fire detector, 20% - Fix, Test, Fixing, Reset, Change battery, Testing, Changing batteries, Replace battery, Change batteries, Battery change, Changing battery, Check batteries, Replace batteries, 17% - Man, Handyman, Handy man, Technician, 33% - Egg roll, Spring roll, Spring rolls, Egg rolls, 31% - Sauce, Dip, Sweet and sour, Duck sauce, Sweet and sour sauce, Sweet chilli, Chilli sauce, Plum sauce, Dipping sauce, Sweet chilli sauce, 23% - Chinese, Asian, Chinese food, China, Japanese, Thai, Asia, Asian food, Vietnamese, 7% - Vegetables, Vegetable, Veggies, Carrots, 67% - Fruit, Kiwi, Banana, Strawberry, Fruit salad, Strawberries, Bananas, Berries, Fruits, Kiwi fruit, Kiwis, 11% - Mint, Leaf, Leaves, Herb, Basil, Herbs, Mint leaves, 31% - Plant, Plants, Mint, Seedling, Tomato plant, 45% - Break dance, Dance, Breakdance, Break dancing, Dancing, Breakdancing, Street dance, 16% - Street, Road, Pavement, Parking lot, Streets, 23% - Scissors, Scissor, Shears, Thinning shears, 17% - Cut, Style, Trim, Snip, Cutting, Chop, 6% - Salon, Barber, Hair salon, Barber shop, 48% - Great Wall of China, Wall, Great wall, The great wall, 28% - Henna, Henna tattoo, Mehndi, Henna tattoos, 24% - India, Indian, Hindu, Hindi, Indian wedding, 10% - Design, Art, Pattern, Patterns, Drawings, Designs, 38% - Food, Dinner, Meal, Lunch, Burger, Burgers, Meals, Supper, Brunch, 15% - Phones, Phone, Cell phones, Mobile, Cell phone, 11% - Pictures, Picture, Photo, Photos, Take picture, Taking pictures, Photograph, 10% - Social media, Instagram, Texting, Text, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, 37% - Fair, Carnival, Park, Circus, Amusement park, Funfair, Theme park, Fun fair, Fairground, Fair ground, Show, 26% - Ferris wheel, Rides, Ride, Big wheel, Roller coaster, 22% - Tickets, Ticket, Ticket booth, Ticket stand, Ticket box, Buy ticket, 40% - Watch, Clock, Clocks, Pocket watch, Watches, 23% - Cut, Slice, Cutting board, Chop, Chopping board, Cutting, Chopping, 17% - Art, Design, Drawing, Drawings, Designs, Pictures, 37% - Shop, Shopping, Store, Stores, Shops, Boutique, Department store, 31% - Mall, Shopping centre, Centre, Shopping center, Center, Malls, 38% - Test, Exam, Quiz, SATs, Testing, Exams, Tests, Standardized test, 30% - Pencil, #2 pencil, Number 2 pencil, Pencils, Number two pencil, No.
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