It is so stupid that this has to be done with CSS considering ALLLLL the settings in DIVI. Do the same with any other caching / performance plugins you have installed, and maybe clear your browser history as well. The issue was that the default Divi blurb image was way too small. The Divi Icon Party plugin adds 40 new social media icons to Divi for use in menus, headers, and footers. This post explains how to add CSS code to Divi: To fix this copy the CSS code below and paste it at your WordPress Dashboard > Divi > Theme Options > General > Custom CSS. By default footer icons of Divi theme are aligned in the right. If you did not choose to use an Icon, then this setting will appear. Line height affects the space between each line of your header text If you would like to increase the space between each line, use the range slider to adjust the space or input your desired spacing size into the input field to the right of the slider. Hi Dan, Thank you for this awesome feature. Before you can add a blurb module to your page, you will first need to jump into the Divi Builder. Custom CSS can also be applied to the module and any of the module’s internal elements. By default, borders have a width of 1 pixel. There are several great choices for icons to add to your Divi menu Module. You can also apply custom CSS classes and IDs to the module, which can be used to customize the module within your child theme’s style.css file. However, your image will never scale larger than its original upload size. Blurb Text will also span the full width of your column up to 550px. Define a custom background color for your module, or leave blank to use the default color. If enabled, you can input a custom size for the icon that is displayed above or two the left of your blurb text. You can also click the Use Visual Builder button when browsing your website on the front end if you are logged in to your WordPress Dashboard. This controls the direction of the lazy-loading animation. Give a title to your blurb that will appear above the body text of the blurb in a bold text style. Add a Divi favicon to your website using the Site Icon feature in the Theme Customizer. You can also filter icons by style, either solid or outline, to match the look and feel of the site you’re working on. Enter optional CSS classes to be used for this module. Blurbs are a great way to showcase small bits of important information, and are often used in rows to display skills or features. We’ll use this class to style the icon. You can use the following file formats .ico, .png, .jpg. If you do not choose to use an Icon, then you will be prompted to upload an image instead. With Divi Icon Party, you can add an email icon anywhere: to the header, menu, footer or the page content (with the Divi Social Media Follow Module). This border can be customized using the following conditional settings. The quality will remain pixel-perfect! I Appreciate your time. Divi comes with dozens of great fonts powered by Google Fonts. Place a valid image url here, or choose/upload an image via the WordPress Media Library. Use Icon: YES For example, I searched for home and I get a list of home/house icons, click on the one you like and copy the code. It can either appear above the text, or to the left of the text. Back To Divi Builder Plugin Documentation. Toggle icon show state to active and choose one. ETmodules – Divi Icon Font. Every Divi module has a long list of design settings that you can use to change just about anything. The input fields supports different units of measurement, which means you can input “px” or “em” following your size value to change its unit type. We offer a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee, so joining is Risk-Free! To adjust Divi theme’s footer icons’ size, go to Divi >> Divi Theme Customizer >> Footer >> Bottom Bar >> Social Icon Size, and move the slider or input the value. Divi Builder spinning icon. That’s why I thought of doing this tutorial, and I hope this helps you! Once the Divi Theme has been installed on your website, you will notice a Use Divi Builder button above the post editor every time you are building a new page. You can drag the range slider to increase or decrease the size of your text, or you can input your desired text size value directly into the input field to the right of the slider. To remove custom margin, delete the added value from the input field. I looked through the module settings, but couldn’t find a way to adjust the image size. Step 3 – Add Class to Menu. Within the advanced tab, you will find options that more experienced web designers might find useful, such as custom CSS and HTML attributes. Where do I position this code? Place a valid web URL in this field to turn your Blurb Title into a link. To make it easier for visitors to get in touch with you, the email icon is clickable. If defined, this image will be used as the background for this module. Next, click the Use Visual Builder button to launch the builder in Visual Mode. The second right aligns the text / title (so you may want to leave the second block out if you don't want to do that). Padding is the space added inside of your module, between the edge of the module and its internal elements. Here you can change the actual size of the Icon by increasing or decreasing the Icon font size. Now add the following CSS to Divi (e.g. Select your desired style from the dropdown menu to apply it to your border. It is probably the most suitable way for making the icon bigger. Icons can be enabled or disabled using the Divi theme options. 2. When using WireFrame view in the Visual Builder, these labels will appear within the module block in the Divi Builder interface. A CSS class can be used to create custom CSS styling. Enable the link icon to control all four corners at once, or disable to define custom values for each. The Blurb Module also allows you to turn your Blurb image/icon and title into a link to your service page. Go to the Font Awesome website and choose the icon(s) that you want to use. This plugin is 100% compatible with both the Visual Builder and standard Divi Builder as of version 1.5 of the plugin. If you want to change some settings with the mobile menu hamburger icon, you can do so with CSS. ... Get the Best Icon Plugin for Divi Today! Is it possible to have the icon/image on the right rather than the left? If you would like to increase the space between each letter in your body text, use the range slider to adjust the space or input your desired spacing size into the input field to the right of the slider. The WP and Divi Icon plugin comes complete with SVG support, promising pixel perfect designs. Hi, i could set the image on the left with divi booster plugin, but is there a way to increase the space between the image and the text? Aspect ratio is the ratio of width to height of an image or a screen and this is a much better measure to determine the size of your image for your Divi website. It contains an options to choose between placing the icon above the text or to the side. Once the module has been added, you will be greeted with the module’s list of options. The Divi Theme blurb module allows you to add an icon with text to your page. If you uploaded a favicon size of 512×512 pixels WordPress will generate the approximal size for each case needed. Now we are going to add icons in your Divi menu. Harness the power of Divi with any WordPress theme. Here is where you get to choose an icon from either the built-in Divi ETModules icon font family or the Font Awesome icon font family.. To remove custom margin, delete the added value from the input field. In this tutorial we will be using the files from the download above, which contains an icon font we designed and generated with Icomoon. Icon: [select an icon that illustrates your service], Icon Color: #42bb99 (make sure color compliments the site design) Update the Blurb Settings with the following: Title: [enter title of service] By default these values are measured in pixels, but you can input custom units of measurement into the input fields. These options are separated into three main groups: Content, Design and Advanced. The issue that I found with it is the sizes of the icons aren’t as easy to adjust. As such, I've moved it into the "Deprecated" section of the Divi Booster settings: Divi > Divi Booster > Deprecated > Divi 4, Hundreds of new features for Divi This options allows you to place your icon within a colored circle. In WordPress, favicons are called site icons. Try Out The Drag & Drop Page Builder for FREE! If you did not choose to use an Icon, then this setting will appear. We have some great tutorials about how to use Divi’s row and section elements. Hi Christian, it sounds like it's probably a caching issue (where a caching plugin stores and uses old version of Divi Booster's CSS file). Within the Custom CSS section, you will find a text field where you can add custom CSS directly to each element. The WP and Divi Icon plugin comes complete with SVG support, promising pixel perfect designs. Before you can add a blurb module to your page, you will first need to jump into the Divi Builder. When using Blurbs, you can choose to either use an Icon or and Image with your text. To use it: 1. You can add custom padding values to any of the module’s four sides. It really makes me question the developers. The obvious step here is to replace the icon (or keep the arrow if you like it). thanks for this helpful article about change logo size.. but, could u give me information.. how to change your header menu like yours… because header menu divi so standard.. how could u change this and give a icon picture like yours.. Blurb modules can be placed in any column that you create. Divi > Theme Customizer > General Settings > Site identity > Site Icon. The ultimate email opt-in plugin for WordPress. This makes your YouTube Icon or Instagram Icon integration much easier and saves hours of time spent custom coding. I've updated the post with details of the icon font size option. Clicking this button will enable the Divi Builder, giving you access to all of the Divi Builder’s modules. If you select “yes” for the “Use Icon” option, then you will be presented with the following options to customize your icon. Within the content tab you will find all of the module’s content elements, such as text, images and icons. Border If you click the icon, it will open your computer’s default email client. 1) Add the Button module in your design and go to settings. Go to: Blurb Settings > Design > Image & Icon, 2. Add the following CSS to your child theme’s style.css file. in one easy-to-use plugin. 3. Reading though the comments in ET’s Divi Icon list article you linked to, it seems like people either know how to do it or don’t! URL: [add a URL to the service page] But what if i want to go back to normal size. The quality will remain pixel-perfect! By default, Divi uses the Open Sans font for all text on your page. Visa versa, if your blurb is being placed onto a light background, the Text Color should be set to ‘Light’. If you are starting a new page, don’t forget to add a row to your page first. 1 License. This option affects the color of your border. Applying a max width value here will limit the width of the blurb image. By default, all text colors in Divi will appear as white or dark gray. Embedding an Icon Font. I’m one of the don’t! New modules can only be added inside of Rows. Here you can adjust the color of the circle border. It’s a plugin from Divi Space that adds over 30 new icons to Divi. You should be able to do it with CSS like this: Hope it helps, but let me know if you're unsure how to apply it, etc. Unfortunately, I have no insight into whether they plan to or not… Hopefully it's on their roadmap! New Plugin: Divi Show / Hide Button Module, This post may contain referral links which may earn a commission for this site. If you would like to increase the space between each letter in your header text, use the range slider to adjust the space or input your desired spacing size into the input field to the right of the slider. in the "Divi > Theme Options > General > Custom CSS" box): For this example, we are keeping the icon fill white with a 80% opacity with a Hover color of white with 50% opacity. The icon name is determined by the .css file you upload for the icon set. If your blurb is being placed onto a dark background the Text Color should be set to ‘Dark’. To remove a background image, simply delete the URL from the settings field. Your email address will not be published. Step 1 – Copy Your Icon Code. 1) Set the CSS class in the blurb module's advanced / custom CSS tab to: my_blurb. Click the Design tab and scroll to the section related to showing the button icon. Icon Font Size. Remember, the Menu module has a few settings like size and color, but the default menu has no settings for this. Placing the image/icon to the left of your text will cause the image to be smaller than if it were placed at the top. The World's #1 WordPress Theme & Visual Page Builder. You can change the font of your header text by selecting your desired font from the dropdown menu. Hi elie, thanks for pointing this out. Hi..admin nerdnomads,. This only affects blurbs that are not in icon mode. The Divi favicon should be 512 x 512 pixels. The input fields supports different units of measurement, which means you can input “px” or “em” following your size value to change its unit type. I have to do this every time and each time I shake my head. You can drag the range slider to increase or decrease the size of your text, or you can input your desired text size value directly into the input field to the right of the slider. You can also customize the style of your text using the bold, italic, all-caps and underline options. 1. Icon filter in the Divi modules to choose by family or type the name of the icon; The icons integrate into the Divi builder and work the same as Divi’s native icons so you can style them with any Divi module that uses icons. Wide Icons Selection. I decided to use the Google Chrome inspect tool and discovered the issue. This option allows you to turn on a border for your circle. ... You can change color and size of an icon, add a circle or a border. The input fields supports different units of measurement, which means you can input “px” or “em” following your size value to change its unit type. Enabling this option will place a border around your module. Leaving this field blank will simply leave your title as a static element. These icons are pixel-perfect and can be easily customized to suit every website. Works in both the standard Divi Builder and Visual Builder Whether you prefer to build in the original Divi Builder or you like to build in real time with the Visual Builder, we have you covered. This is a free font made by Elegant Themes, and you can see the list of all available icons inside this blog post.I recommend keeping this link in your bookmarks, you can use these icons in many different places, not just the Blurbs and Buttons! Your email address will not be published. Thank you very much. However, if you want to apply some unique styles only to one icon … Simply click on the con that you would like to use and it will appear in your blurb. Divi Icons PRO adds 2400+ brand new icons directly to your Divi Builder! Thanks Gabriel. If you would like to change the color of your body text, choose your desired color from the color picker using this option. Body Font Size: 18px Once you have entered the Visual Builder, you can click the gray plus button to add a new module to your page. Choosing The Icons For The Divi Menu. Use Icon Font Size: YES The input fields supports different units of measurement, which means you can input “px” or “em” following your size value to change its unit type. Here you can apply custom CSS to any of the module’s many elements. Enable the "Use Icon Font Size" option. This option allows you to customize the color of your Icon. You can increase this value by dragging the range slider or by inputting a custom value into the input field to the right of the slider. Since your design settings have carried over to your duplicated modules, all you have to do is change the content (heading, content, icon, url, etc…) and tweak colors to fit each of your services. This option lets you control which devices your module appears on. To use it: 1. The Icon Inserter Button. Here you can control the corner radius of the icon. If you want to change the size of just the icon, leaving the button text at its usual size, you can do so with some CSS code. This options presents you with a list of available icons that you can use with your blurb text. However if you want to set a different font size for the Icon compared to the text of the menu then copy the CSS code below and paste it at your WordPress Dashboard > Divi > Theme Options > General > Custom CSS If you chose “yes” for the “Circle Icon” setting, then this option will appear. By default, all text colors in Divi will appear as white or dark gray. Choose any icon from the ET Icon list. Here you can choose whether or not your link opens in a new window. Since I first wrote this, Divi has added an option which allows you to control the size of the left-positioned blurb icon. By default, Divi uses the Open Sans font for all text on your page. Note: currently the filters are only available in the standard Divi Builder. Hi Dan, Great tutorials btw. First, under the "Advanced" tab of your button module, set a value for the CSS ID. Just what I was looking for. What’s more aspect ratio is important when optimizing images for small screens, especially 11 inch laptops. By default these values are measured in pixels, but you can input custom units of measurement into the input fields. The Social Media Follow module by Divi Theme is such a useful module, especially if you or your client has a lot of social media channels. Custom units of measurements of supported, which means you can change the default unit from “px” to something else, such as em, vh, vw etc. As well as the external font sources and the built-in Elegant Themes icon font set that comes default with the Divi theme, the WP and Divi Icons plugin includes a collection of custom, hand-designed icons too. Header Font Size: 24px It is probably the most suitable way for making the icon bigger. To add the four Blurbs to your page, use the visual builder to add a standard section with a four column row. - Divi Icon King Divi Plugin by Alex Brinkman - Green Tree Media. Here you can pick a color to use for your circle. Prior to Divi Booster 3.2.6, the option was located at: Divi > Divi Booster > Modules > Blurb > Make left-placed blurb icons bigger. An ID can be used to create custom CSS styling, or to create links to particular sections of your page. header .et-pb-icon { font-size: 24px; vertical-align: middle; } If you want to set a different color for your Icons from the menu items then you can use the code below. Here you can adjust the size of your body text. If you would like to change the color of your header text, choose your desired color from the color picker using this option. They’re available in both the theme options, which displays in the header and footer, and in the social media module, which can be displayed anywhere you can display a module. Icon Font Size: 68px (this adjusts the size of your icon) The code will show up as a weird square symbol after you save but it’s ok. Keep it as is. This is useful if you want to use different modules on different devices, or if you want to simplify the mobile design by eliminating certain elements from the page. If needed, you can change the Icon Font Size to your desired size by changing Use Custom Icon Size to YES. Margin is the space added outside of your module, between the module and the next element above, below or to the left and right of it. Next, click the Use Visual Builder button to launch the builder in Visual Mode. Step 4 – Add Class to Stylesheet or Custom CSS section in Divi This includes an RSS icon, the standard social sharing icon, and a socializing people icon, so the number of actual networks is closer to 20. Blurb Images will always appeared centered within their columns and will span the full width of your column up to 550px. Thanks. Divi Icons PRO adds 2400+ brand new icons directly to your Divi Builder! The height of the blurb image is determined by the aspect ratio of your original image, so making all of your blurb images the same height is a good idea if you are placing them side by side. Thanks! You can add custom margin values to any of the module’s four sides. Then adjust the size. Since the addition of Divi's "Icon Font Size" setting mentioned above, this option is no longer required. Thanks! Divi Toggles and Accordions use the ETmodules icon font. With additional code support for over 200 platforms in the icon set! Divi Mobile Menu Hamburger Icon. Anything that controls what appears in your module will always be found within this tab. Content: [enter a short description of the service] Enable the "Use Icon Font Size" option. However, the default icon size differs significantly between the two options, like so: Since I first wrote this, Divi has added an option which allows you to control the size of the left-positioned blurb icon. You can choose to disable your module on tablets, smart phones or desktop computers individually. Background images will appear above background colors, which means your background color will not be visible when a background image is applied. The size of the Icon and text combined can be change at your WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Header & Navigation > Text Size. If you chose “yes” for the “Use Icon” setting, then this option will appear. Once you have activated this free plugin, you will get a list of plugin options to enable icons selectively in your Divi top menu or Divi website footer. Switch Divi’s Mobile Logo. The URL option below the Title Field will allow you to make your Title a hyperlink. The input fields supports different units of measurement, which means you can input “px” or “em” following your size value to change its unit type. Divi comes with dozens of great fonts powered by Google Fonts. How to change footer icon’s alignment. The module list is searchable, which means you can also type the word “blurb” and then click enter to automatically find and add the blurb module! This package also includes JSON file with 3 samples that can be imported directly to your Divi library.. 2. Now duplicate the Blurb Module you just created three times and drag each of the duplicated blurbs over to the other three columns. Tried it with divi booster on my own Website. Access almost 2000 icons from Font Awesome and the Material Icon set, natively in the Divi Builder UI. Required fields are marked *, Change the Blurb Module Icon / Image Placement on Mobiles, Make the Divi Theme Options Header Sticky, Adblock Extension for Chrome blocking Divi Icons. If you chose “yes” for the “Use Icon” setting, then this option will appear. Go to: Blurb Settings > Design > Image & Icon. Select your desired icon size using the slider "Icon Font Size" slider. Select a custom color from the color picker to apply it to your border. Cheers! Once the Divi Theme has been installed on your website, you will notice a Use Divi Builder button above the post editor every time you are building a new page. It also allows the image to be read and recognized by search engines. The perfect theme for bloggers and online-publications. 2) Add the following code into the main Divi Custom CSS box (Divi > Theme Options > General > Custom CSS): The first of the two blocks of code moves the icon to the right. This field is where you can enter the body content of your blurb. Letter spacing affects the space between each letter. Hopefully that will clear it up, but let me know if not. You can also customize the style of your text using the bold, italic, all-caps and underline options. These classes can be used in your Divi Child Theme or within the Custom CSS that you add to your page or your website using the Divi Theme Options or Divi Builder Page Settings. (I've just added this link into the post above too). You icon, in it’s color, will appear inside this a circle with the color you select here. Within the design tab you will find all of the module’s styling options, such as fonts, colors, sizing and spacing. The blurb module is a simple and elegant combination of text and imagery. I’ve spent the last few hours hunting and am stuck. If you’re not using a child theme or you prefer, you can add CSS to the Divi Theme Options panel (look for Custom CSS at the bottom of the General tab). If selected, an additional option will appear to select your border color.
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