Here's why the victim may be Merula Snyde. Physical information Snape, however, pointed out that she was an atrocious liar, due to her constantly darting her eyes in multiple directions whenever she lied. I have no control on the storyline of the game or the advertisements or anything in the game. Her greatest trait, however, was her ambition to prove she is the best, which was her primary motivation for seeking out the Cursed Vaults and the major reason for being in constant conflict with Jacob's sibling. Merula drops her usual attitude and warns the player character that Tulip will betray them too when she's done using them. Here you can find a detailed walkthrough of the entire game. After the Dark Lord's demise in 1981, Merula's parents were captured and sent to Azkaban between 1983 and 1984; Merula witnessed their trial, which greatly upset her. ... harry potter harry potter hogwarts mystery year one year one chapter three chapter three year 1 year 1 chapter 3 chapter 3 year one chapter four chapter four year 1 chapter 4 chapter 4 new chapter. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is the first game in which players can create their own character and experience life as a Hogwarts student. Player Character (Hogwarts Mystery)/Merula Snyde; Penny Haywood; Tulip Karasu; Original Character; Merula Snyde; One Shot Collection; Drama & Romance; Summary. Feb 1, 2021 - Explore Kaidus's board "merula snyde" on Pinterest. [12] When Rowan mentioned that Professor Flitwick said Jacob's sibling cast the best Wand-Lighting Charm of any first-year in years, Merula resolved to be nothing but trouble for them and to show that she was more powerful than them. [14] During a potions class, Jacob's sibling attempted to reason with Merula, citing that nobody cared about what happened last year. [23], Merula next confronted Jacob's sibling in the hallway where Jacob's old room resided. It demanded to know why they had entered its abode again and remained uncooperative while being questioned by the duo, prompting Merula making a grisly threat in what they will do to it if it refused to assist them. The Stance round is mostly based on chance. There are a variety of characters in Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. During the 1989–1990 school year, her sixth year, Merula proceeded to take N.E.W.T.-level Potions,[27] Care of Magical Creatures,[28] Defence Against the Dark Arts,[29] and Astronomy. Merula, however, considered the attempt to be a failure, as unresolved enmity exists between the pair. [Source]. Merula was always eager for a fight with Jacob's sibling and never backed down from a challenge. The Most Powerful Witch at Hogwarts (by herself)The Most Powerful Stirrer at Hogwarts (by herself)The Most Delicious Witch at Hogwarts (by herself)The Most Powerful Puffskein at Hogwarts (by Jacob's sibling) Jacob's sibling emerged victorious from their duel, but Ismelda launched a surprise attack with Everte Statum, which caused Barnaby, now working with Jacob's sibling instead, to take the hit for them. Merula offered to speak to the Baron on Jacob's sibling's behalf, but the ghost revealed that Duncan Ashe is deceased, but his reclusive spirit still haunts Hogwarts. Jacob's sibling learned she was born of two Death Eaters, and while it made them realise why she was a bully, it did not soften their mutual enmity at all. During one evening at the start of the semester, Rakepick gathered her favourite pupils, which included Bill Weasley, Merula and Jacob's sibling. Outraged, the rest of the group attacked Rakepick and overwhelmed her with Snape's Garrotting Gas and a barrage of spells, forcing her to flee. There is also the Duelling Club. 1 List of Characters 1.1 Students 1.1.1 Variable House 1.1.2 Gryffindor 1.1.3 Ravenclaw 1.1.4 Hufflepuff 1.1.5 Slytherin 1.2 Prefects 1.3 Other Characters 2 Teachers 3 Staff Jacob Rowan Khanna Ben Copper Charlie Weasley Lincoln Nguyen William Weasley Tulip Karasu Nymphadora Tonks Penny Haywood Barnaby Lee Merula … Jacob's sibling chose to take Merula with them, who offered snarky spoken commentary throughout their search for the younger Haywood in the Red Cap's Hole and the Acromantula lair. Please help the Harry Potter Wiki by expanding this article to give more complete coverage of its subject. During their excursion into the lair, Jacob's sibling encountered the same Acromantula they defeated in their fourth year. They are persistently suspicious of Ben being the main culprit, and attack the Player Character in Year 5. As you all know, this game has a massive story with a lot of interesting characters and many exciting adventures. Welcome to Walkthrough for Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Game. Professors Snape and Flitwick approached her from behind during her tirade, much to her surprise and they began to question what happened here. 16 notes. What about dating Penny? Tulip demanded Merula surrender the key to them, which caused Merula to angrily retort at how Tulip betrayed her to work with Jacob's sibling instead. Cursed Vaults (Hogwarts Mystery) Merula and MC are to be married soon; Summary. In her fourth year, Merula even expressed a fondness for getting potion ingredients stuck under her fingernails. Blood status Merula serves as an antagonistic character to the main character, reminiscent of the rivalry that Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy shared in the original Harry Potter series. between September 1st, 1972 and August 31th, 1973. Merula later confirms having an aunt that is raising her, as Merula mentions her refusing to allow her to own any pets. Sometimes a flick of inspiration is all you need to create a small, yet tender love story. At some point under Rakepick's tutelage, Merula was ordered by her to spy on Jacob's sibling and to demand reports from them. During the Year 4 Prefect sidequest, Merula will appear, along with Rowan and Barnaby, as Jacob's sibling's group of friends, where Merula admits to constantly pushing Barnaby into the fountain with the Knockback Jinx. As you all know, this game has a massive story with a lot of interesting characters and many exciting adventures. Jacob's sibling suggested that they should search around the school, while they search the Forbidden Forest, in case Beatrice may have wondered there looking for adventure. Slytherin You: Wait, is that Rowan? Loading... Close. After arguing about the infamous Devil's Snare prank that Merula subjected Jacob's sibling to and Merula's cruel jokes about Jacob being dead, the two are interrupted by Penny who told them that her little sister, Beatrice Haywood, had gone missing. During the search, a swarm of dementors showed up and circled the group. Afterwards, Jacob's sibling decided to take Merula with him into the forbidden forest. After a short discussion about why Barnaby was working with Merula, the burly student left to follow after Merula. If you have a question you can ask it below and please check through the questions that have already been asked to see if you can answer any. Hair colour A Harry Potter mobile RPG game developed by Jam City and published under Portkey Games. However, Jacob's sibling stood up for Rowan and Merula started teasing them by making fun of Jacob. Menu. This is literally only a site made by a fellow Hogwarts Mystery player who hopes to be able to help fellow players by providing the answers to the game as best as I can. Jacob's sibling then encountered Torvus in the grotto and will have no choice but to fight him, while they protected Merula in the process. Sometime later, Merula invited Jacob's sibling and Bill Weasley to the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade, to discuss the second red-robed assailant who attacked Jacob's sibling and Ben in the Clocktower Courtyard and as an attempt to build bridges with her rival. Merula also smelled like cloves, nail polish, and some other elusive scent. Merula boasted about working with someone in order to unlock the secrets of the vault before Jacob's sibling could. Sometime later, Patricia Rakepick called a meeting at the Training Grounds between Jacob's sibling and their group of friends, along with Merula and Ismelda to discuss the Sleepwalking curse currently affecting students this year at Hogwarts. Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Before jumping into Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, many people have been wondering about the plot of the new mobile game. Starting in year five, Merula can be seen to be noticeably less antagonistic towards Jacob's sibling. Merula was confounded by her second defeat, but stated that, while their duel was concluded, the rivalry between them would never be over.[15]. After finding out through Peeves that Jacob's old friend Duncan Ashe may know where the map is, Jacob's sibling enlisted the help of the ghosts of each house in Hogwarts to search for his whereabouts. In questo caso, se non sai la risposta, puoi sempre fare una breve ricerca … The Dark Witch Patricia Rakepick then apparated into the vicinity and cast a powerful Patronus Charm, which warded off all of the dementors. As a result, Jacob's sibling had no choice but to borrow a broom from someone else. One day, before the start of a Potions class in the Dungeons, Merula was bullying Rowan Khanna by forcing them into saying that she was the most powerful witch at Hogwarts. Merula became timid in the presence of the centaur and refused to help Jacob's sibling. Merula eagerly admitted that Jacob went mad and nearly destroyed the school in the process, while Jacob's sibling told Rita of Merula's parents being locked away in Azkaban for being Death Eaters, much to Merula's chagrin. You're going to think I'm mad... - I'm quick to judge. Merula's parents being imprisoned in Azkaban, an experience that very much hardened her feelings, may have contributed to this need for attention. (italics) Red is the worst answer. While everyone pondered on what to do about Beatrice's predicament, Filch abruptly appeared to inform Jacob's sibling that they are to carry out their detention in the kitchens with a house-elf named Pitts. Skin colour Le domande che ti vengono fatte dai professori e dagli studenti durante le lezioni possono riguardare qualcosa che è stato detto durante la lezione in corso, ma soprattutto la saga originaledi Harry Potter. This is after you duelled Barnaby. Violet Magical characteristics Merula was one of the students called by Rakepick to enter the portrait vault. This student was a witch or wizard who attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry between 1984 and 1991. Pure-blood After being transported to the Great Hall with the others using the Portkey in the vault, Merula collapsed and was helped up by Penny or Charlie (depending on who was chosen before going to the vault) and transferred to the Hospital Wing, although she was not happy to be kept there. Blood status Search. Merula has messy brown hair with orange curls, and violet colored eyes. Codes. The original character model sheet for Merula Snyde, The Harry Potter Wiki has 75 images related to, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Spoilers will be present within the article. Fans of the series are wondering if the Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery plot follows the events of the books, offers something new, or doesn’t fit anywhere in the Harry Potter lore books. Merula encountered Jacob's sibling in their first Care of Magical Creatures class. She is first seen as an antagonist to Jacob's sibling, the protagonist of the game. In the previous chapter, you attended the first History of Magic lesson of Year Five under the tutelage of Professor Binns. With a sufficient fact check, Jacob's sibling pinned the blame on Merula, pointing out her previous attempts at sabotaging them, along with being capable of duping another student into planting the ingredients in their room. Student After declaring that only she can claim the power and treasures of the vault for herself, Merula entered the small room alone, while the trio followed after her. [11] Eventually, Merula was sorted into Slytherin, becoming the fourth generation of her family to be sorted in that house. FatherMotherMaternal auntSnyde family Rakepick then taught the group of students the Blasting Curse as a defensive measure against the threats lurking in Hogwarts. The player creates a character and follows the story of a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and throughout the game will have to make certain choices which determine the path their character will be placed on, including the kind of relationships they build with other characters. [9], Merula began attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1984. Jacob's sibling and Merula briefly discussed the nature of the cursed vaults, before going their separate ways. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is a story-driven roleplaying game created by Portkey Games and Jam City in which users play as students at Hogwarts in the 1980s. Hello everyone, it’s time for Chapter Four of Year Five of our Magical Journey Walkthrough for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Jacob's sibling retaliated by bringing up Merula's Death Eater heritage and how her parents are in Azkaban in response. It's a fanfic and all rights goes to the creators of the game Hogwarts Mystery but I get the rights for writing the one shots and chapters. Later, she duelled Jacob's sibling, her competitor, and told them she had been wanting the place in the choir because her mother had been in the choir and had prepared her for her audition before she got arrested. … Another curious quirk to her personality was her irreverence towards the Dark Lord, as she often referred to him as Voldemort, much to everyone's chagrin. During the Defence Against the Dark Arts classes, including the Hex-Deflection class, as well as the Hair-Raising potion class, Merula can be observed having casual, and sometimes even friendly, dialogue with Jacob's sibling. She questioned what they were doing in the library, and following their response Merula responsed accordingly and threatened to do something far worse to the student when the time comes. Species Merula bound by ropes conjured by the Incarcerous spell. Merula's hatred for Jacob's sibling pushed her to go to great lengths to sabotage her rival, by either attempting to get them expelled or badly injured. Patronus She also didn't take offence if/when Jacob's sibling picked her to travel to Forbidden Forest to talk to, Interestingly, Merula in some ways is a dark reflection of each member of the, Merula is one of the four characters (along with. You’re less powerful than Professor McGonagall, Professor Sprout, Madam Hooch, Madam Pomfrey, every single seventh-year… Unknown length, wood and core As both her parents are in Azkaban, it's currently unknown who takes care of her. Altre invece, come quella mostrata qui sotto, sono più insidiose! The game will launch under Portkey Games, a new label dedicated to creating experiences inspired by the magic and adventures of J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World. Codes. Jacob's sibling asked Charlie to talk Merula down on their behalf, prompting her to storm off. This is because Merula considered Tulip to be her first and only friend before Tulip betrayed her. The former threatened Jacob's sibling to keep away from Merula this year, while the latter expected them to be taller. Most notably, in the Hair-Raising potion class, Rowan is seen to say "is it just me, or is Merula being friendlier lately? Ismelda claimed that she would use the Killing Curse, on the next Gryffindor she saw, to which Merula replied that Ismelda did not know how to cast the spell. HOGWARTS MYSTERY WALKTHROUGH. Just... pennyhaywood; gryffindor; lovestory +14 more # 7. In the game you create your own student at Hogwarts … Later on, Jacob's sibling met with Tulip and Merula in Jacob's old room to find any information about Duncan Ashe and his relationship with Jacob. Green is the best answer. Charlie Weasley and Jacob's sibling devised a plan to enter the forest via flying. Green is the best answer. Merula led them to a part of the staircase and told everyone she found Beatrice trapped in a painting while wandering the school. Can they do it before it's too late? Search. 1 List of Characters 1.1 Students 1.1.1 Variable House 1.1.2 Gryffindor 1.1.3 Ravenclaw 1.1.4 Hufflepuff 1.1.5 Slytherin 1.2 Prefects 1.3 Other Characters 2 Teachers 3 Staff Jacob Rowan Khanna Ben Copper Charlie Weasley Lincoln Nguyen William Weasley Tulip Karasu Nymphadora Tonks Penny Haywood Barnaby Lee Merula … Upon entering the room, they discovered Merula partially encased in a block of ice from the waist down and she demanded Jacob's sibling to help her. Female Later on, you went to serve the detention in the Kitchen where you first met Pitts – a House Elf in charge. Luciana and her friends participate in Battle of Hogwarts and try to locate the final Cursed Vault they couldn't find in their years at Hogwarts in which Dumbledore hid mysterious items to help them win and avenge Rowan. She believed they were going to meet a sticky end someday. (italics+underlined) Yellow is the second-best answer. Green is the best answer. This video is unavailable. Merula Snyde (born c. 1973) was a witch who began attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1984 and was sorted into Slytherin, the house for the ambitious and cunning. After talking over some butterbeer, Merula agreed to let them borrow her broom, as Rakepick ordered Merula to comply with Jacob's sibling in his investigation of the vaults anyway, but not without also hoping they would suffer serious injuries or expulsion as well. Victims of her parents sent threats to their house, resulting in her aunt spending as little time with her as possible and Merula almost entirely staying indoors. Jacob's sibling and Merula then duelled for the second key, which Merula lost causing her to forgo her key to her rival, but not without she uncharacteristically warned Jacob's sibling to watch out for Tulip potentially backstabbing them. Brown Wand Merula often antagonised Jacob's sibling during their time in Hogwarts and remained a persistent rival to them throughout the years. British or Irish[2] Professor McGonagall proceeded to provide them with a short explanation of the four Hogwarts Houses — Gryffindor, the brave and chivalrous, Hufflepuff, the kind and diligent, Ravenclaw, the witty and wise, and Slytherin, the cunning and ambitious — voicing her hope that all of the newcomers would make fine additions to the ranks of great witches and wizards that each House had produced in the past. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery Wiki Guide. Tulip devised a plan with Jacob's sibling in order to acquire the key from Merula, which involved the use of a Jumbo Dungbomb, to scare away Merula's allies so they could confront her alone. This book will contain those that I come up with regarding that fascinating game, with its charming characters that are owed some love . [16], After class, Jacob's sibling immediately asked what Merula knew about Jacob's whereabouts, to which Merula attempted to force them into swearing that any future information they learn about the vaults should be relayed to her. Merula and her fellow Slytherins gathered around to gain the nerve to speak with the unruly ghost. [30], Sometime during the school year, Merula, along with Jacob's sibling and Ben Copper, went into the Forest Grove to intercept a possible meeting between Jacob and R, unknowingly being followed from a close distance behind them by their friend, Rowan Khanna. Eye colour She then taught them the Incarcerous Spell, and asked Jacob's sibling to demonstrate the spell on Merula, who was initially reluctant at first, but came around after being convinced by Rakepick. She bullied Jacob's sibling for allegedly being cursed, though they did not truly hate Merula and merely wished she would leave them alone. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Tulip facing a boggart in the shape of Merula Snyde in a Hogwarts cupboard, with Jacob's sibling. Merula Snyde After being freed from the ice and escaping the small room, Merula declared the whole expedition to be a waste of her time and left the area. In the game, you play as a student at Hogwarts university and uncover the mysteries related to your brother. Merula chastised Jacob's sibling for seeking the power of the vaults for altruistic reasons and engaged with them in another duel. Despite her failure, Merula quickly rushed into the class to tell Penny that she found Beatrice in the Grand Staircase. Their rivalry starts when the main character sees Merula picking on Rowan Khanna. Harry Potter Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. [23], Barnaby chimed in by mentioning how he once killed a bowtruckle by accidentally sitting on one, which confused Ismelda for having nothing to do with their conversation. Rowan: I can’t!. This book will contain those that I come up with regarding that fascinating game, with its charming characters that are owed some love. During her tenth birthday, Merula received a broom as a present from her parents, for which she was thrilled. Once Merula was satisfied, Jacob's sibling explained to her that rescuing Beatrice is the key to finding the next Cursed Vault, as the curses may be linked. HOGWARTS MYSTERY WALKTHROUGH. talking with tulip YEAR 3 | CHAPTER 7. This book will contain those that I come up with regarding that fascinating game, with its charming characters that are owed some love . Soon, Jacob's sibling and Talbott used Obliviate on her, so she didn't remember anymore.[25]. True to her word, Merula, along with Ismelda, intercepted Jacob's sibling and friends in the library as they are about to enter the Restricted Section to find the Vault of Fear. [20][21], At some point, Jacob's sibling met with Tulip Karasu, who told them that she used to be Merula's only real friend during the first years at Hogwarts, due to her taking a liking to her rebellious and free-spirited personality. In the end, Jacob's sibling found what they were looking for. Snape then interjected, warning Jacob's sibling of potentially being in dire trouble, which was discussed once the class was over. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter Page to Screen: The Complete Filmmaking Journey, LEGO Harry Potter: Building the Magical World, LEGO Harry Potter: Characters of the Magical World, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story, Creator: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, "World Exclusive Interview with J K Rowling,",, Articles with information from Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, The Most Powerful Witch at Hogwarts (by herself), The Most Powerful Stirrer at Hogwarts (by herself), The Most Delicious Witch at Hogwarts (by herself), The Most Powerful Puffskein at Hogwarts (by, When the winner was to be announced, Rita forced Jacob's sibling to choose a winner between themselves, Merula, or, In her second year, Merula boasts to Jacob's sibling that she's working with someone on finding the.
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