Jagdterrier: Other names: Deutscher Jagdterrier, German Jagdterrier, German Hunting Terrier, German Hunt Terrier: Origin: Germany: Breed Group: Terrier: Size: Medium: Type: Purebred: Life span: 12-15 years: Temperament: Adaptable. In 1924 at the initiative of Zangenberg in Germany was founded the "Club of German hunting terriers". Due to this, it’s not suitable for people who like to take it easy. Others, referring to the similarity of many features, indicate a Manchester Terrier, and some authors - a Welsh Terrier together with some other Terriers. For the breeding were used only the dogs with high working qualities, among them were often met a dark-colored individuals. Jagdterrier may weigh 10 kg / 22 pounds lesser than German Pinscher. The Jagdterrier (/ ˈ j ɑː k t ɛr i ər / YAHK-terr-i-ər) is a type of working terrier, originating in Germany, that is used for hunting quarry both above and underground.This breed of terrier is also called the German Hunt Terrier. They can be protective so socialize them at an early age to differentiate friend from foe. As a result of hunting skills, some representatives of this group of dogs may have a very tough character traits and behaviors in everyday life: a highly developed self-esteem, desire to rule the roast in the home environment, placing themselves above everybody else - even sometimes above the owners, etc. A bit of fire is always evident in its expression. Reliable. It took a big, persistent efforts to restore the lost, and by the end of 80-ies, after considerable difficulty in overcoming the consequences of inbreeding, the development of Jagdterrier was completed. The Deutscher Jagdterrier is a compact, well-proportioned dog with a wedge shaped head and flat skull. Gesuch Terrier. Yellow If you accept these premises, the Jagdterrier will readily accept your "leadership" and will treat you accordingly. Expect lots of messes until you can housetrain your new addition to the family. This breed loves to work and needs to have a purpose. German Hunting Terriers are highly intelligent dogs that thrive on having something to do. This breed loves to work and needs to have a purpose. In the right hands, German Hunting Terriers are relatively easy to train. #4 How Long will my Jagdterrier Live by my Side? The Jagdterrier (also known as German Hunt Terriers or Deutscher Jagdterriers) is a fierce and tenacious hunter capable of challenging not only common prey animals like game, wild boars, foxes, weasels, and badgers, but also dangerous prey like bobcats and cougars. DEUTSCHER JAGDTERRIER (103) Group : n°3 - Terriers. Temperament: The Jagdterrier is a hunting dog, working for the hunter and hunting. What makes the Deutscher Jagdterrier a sought out companion is their temperament. Ausbildung. Jagdterrier is the dog’s full name; German Hunt Terrier, German Hunting Terrier, German Jagdterrier and Deutscher Jagdterrier are the dog’s other names; Germany is the country of origin; In terms of size type, the dog is Small dog breeds; The dog is in the Breed Group of Terrier dog breeds; Jagdterrier has a lifespan of 9-10 years Their development is the result of the efforts of four hunters, breeders, and enthusiasts who broke away from the German Fox Terrier Club and dedicated themselves to creating a new and improved hunting terrier. They would not be a g… was founded in 1926. Both Jagdterrier and German Pinscher has almost same life span. Der schwarz-rote, kleine Jagdgebrauchshund soll kompakt und gut proportioniert sein. The Deutscher Jagdterrier is a smallish sized dog, compact and well-proportioned, with an almost square shape. Der Deutsche Jagdterrier wurde ein Jagdgebrauchshund, vom Jäger für den Jäger. Similar to other Terriers, the Jagd has a high prey drive and keen hunting instinct. The Jagdterrier has a long but not too narrow head with a fiery facial expression. Though often used for quarry that dens underground, especially badger , fox , and raccoon , Jagdterriers are also used to drive wild boar and rabbits out of thickets, and to blood track wounded animals, such as deer. It can also be chocolate or liver brown with white markings although the white markings and the chocolate colouring should be avoided in breeding programs along with a brown nose. Of course, it is pretty hard to imagine the behavior of the "earth dog" working in a barrow, because the hunter gets only a small fraction of information about the actions of the dog in the underground labyrinths. 103 Gruppe 3: Terrier; Sektion 1: Hochläufige Terrier; Mit Arbeitsprüfung; Ursprung: Deutschland. The Jagdterrier has a small ears, set high, broken at the cartilage, slightly adjacent to the cheeks. It may not be underground hunting or the usual game that they chase, but you can see how much focus and determination they have when their instincts kick in. Ease of training: Medium, Energy level: Medium, Span of life: 12-16 years. The Jagdterrier is very successful in hunting black bear, grizzly, cougar, bobcat, lynx, fox and raccoon. However, the shade of tan can vary significantly from creamy tan to rusty copper. This direction was determined by the requirements of the highly popular in the country fox hunting. Also, as fair warning, these dogs love to dig so that you might be saying goodbye to your well-maintained backyard! Jul 8, 2013 - This Pin was discovered by LisaM Lang. Suche einen jungen DJT, oder Deutsch Drahthaar , gerne Hündin - die ich Jagdlich ausbilden und selber führen möchte . ... Temperament: Your Jack Russell Terrier is a lively, tenacious, bold, fearless, feisty, cheeky, confident, independent, intelligent and full of life dog. This is a painful condition that develops when the dog is between three and eight years of age. The further work of the breeders had as a result a new - very well bred - working dog. Even though the German Hunting Terrier is an apartment-friendly dog that can be quite active indoors too, it needs extensive outdoors time. They have a soft spot for fun and play. Impulse to Wander or Roam. Find Deutscher Jagdterrier Puppies with our Free Breeder search! The German Hunting Terrier, owing to its high energy level and strong prey drive, is not suitable for owners with a sedentary lifestyle. Jagdterriers have a higher than average tendency to nip, chew, play-bite, or herd people. They are also gentle and patient so you won’t need to worry about things getting out of hand. Early Jagdterriers were created by mixing the Old English Fox Terrier with a variety of Black and Tan Hunting Terriers. Legs are straight, parallel, hind legs wide apart. It’s also thick, ample and always black and tan colored. Deutscher Jagdterrier general features, temperament, health Tweet FCI # 103, Origin: Germany, Group 3.1 Terriers. Different roles and terrains. Not surprisingly, therefore, that the habit of fighting in conditions of absolute independence, to the struggles to win, even at the cost of the most severe injuries, has developed in the "earth dogs" a special inherent instincts and features of character and, above all, a high level of situational thinking. ... German Hunting Terrier Facts - Wisdom Panel™ Dog Breeds. There is also an oppinion that among the variety of types of the British Terriers there were already met some individuals who were in fact the ancestors of a modern Jagdterriers, and that they were used in the initial period of breeding. As ever, the breeders continued to value most carefully their breed for its usefulness as a hunting dog, its steadiness of character, its courage and drive. The Jagdterrier is an energetic, playful dog that gets along well with people, including children. However, when it comes to this breed, there is more to it than what meets the eye. General Features: The Jagdterrier is a dog with very good bones and a strong musculature. This breed of terrier is also called the German Hunt Terrier. Here are 3 breeder suggestions for consideration: Before your new puppy arrives, make sure you understand its needs. When you see the Jagdterrier, you may think you are looking at a Rottweiler puppy. They express a touching love for children, sincere devotion to their owners, friendly attitude to strangers. So let’s dive deep and see what this little powerhouse of this pooch is all about. The Jagdterrier’s height, measured from ground to withers, should be … Unless you want your German Hunting Terrier to have its own offspring when it grows up, it is advisable to have it spayed/neutered. … - Zuchtziele, Verwendung und Rassestandard des Deutschen Jagdterriers. The German Hunting Terrier temperament requires that such dogs be restrained at all times either by secure barriers or a strong leash that is firmly held. #5 Jagdterrier’s Temperament – Small dogs with big personalities. As mentioned before, they are naturally kind and protective of small children but not very fond of other animals. Without children, it is up to the adult who owns this breed to keep him stimulated and give him an outlet for all that energy. Wanting to adopt a Jagdterrier Dog and wondering about Jagdterrier's temperament or characteristics? Rassebeschreibung Deutscher Jagdterrier Hunde. Jagdterriers are not very dog-oriented as a breed. They would not be a g… Jagdterrier ownership is not for the inexperienced or laidback type of person, because this breed is dominant, stubborn, and has what is described as a “combustible” level of energy. Coat: Short and smooth, wiry Temperament: Active and intelligent Lifespan: 10 to 12 years The Jagdterrier is undemanding, hardy and distrustful of strangers. Male Jagdterrier weighs 20 to 22 pounds (9 to 10 kilograms) while females weigh a little bit less around 17 to 19 pounds (8 to 9 kilograms). Trotz dieses Abstandsverhaltens gilt der Deutsche Jagdterrier a… Other Jagdterrier’s health concerns worth mentioning include: They also have extremely sensitive stomachs prone to irritation and ulceration. Unfortunately, since 1945, the obtained breeding material was almost completely lost, only few dogs of this breed survived. Deutscher Jagdterrier-Club e.V. Sie ist in ihrer züchterischen Geschichte noch relativ jung, aber dennoch sehr interessant. It’s a medium dog breed at about 13 to 16 inches tall, weighing between 17 to 22 pounds. Jagdterrier brauchen Herausforderungen körperlicher wie mentaler Art. Jagdterrier may grow 10 cm / 3 inches shorter than German Pinscher. ... Er hat viel Temperament und einen hohen Bewegungsdrang. Hard and hardy the Jagdterrier manifests himself as a great working dog, so he needs as much love from the other side. They can be protective so socialize them at an early age to differentiate friend from foe. The Jagdterrier (pronounced “Yack Terrier”) is also known as the German Hunt Terrier or the Deutscher … Wir suchen einen deutschen Jagdterrier Welpen vorzugsweise einen Rüden kurzhaar. Unfortunately, the Jagdterrier’s definition of fun and amusement is probably not the same as yours and often involves plenty destructive activities. You also need to expose him to unknown environments and situations. At the same time, some experts, the dog handlers, that are well versed with the state of dog breeding in Germany in the 20's and 30's, suggest that the underlying breed is a dark-colored Fox Terrier. Aber auch Wohnungshaltung ist möglich. Übernehme auch einen Hund, der "nicht abgeholt ", oder als "Zuchtuntauglich" bewertet wurde! [] The Jagdterrier is an energetic, playful dog that gets along well with people, including children. The Jagdterrier temperament is bold and intense. It tolerates children and enjoys playing with them. They are adaptable, courageous, strong-willed and reliable little dogs. Many of these dogs are able, after some experience, to work out 48 hour-old blood trails. The Jagdterrier has always been highly prized for their intelligence and hunting abilities because they are such determined little dogs. They are also gentle and patient so you won’t need to worry about things getting out of hand. Teeth are large and strong. They are also protective of them too, which is a fantastic quality to have in a dog. Head is rather long, dry. The eyes, eye rims, lips, and noses should be black, but in some rare cases, they can be brown, although this is not an accepted color for the breed. The coat of a Jagdterrier is straight, thick, dense, hard and rough. On the field, the German Hunt Terrier is a bright, determined, robust, brave and unrelenting hunter. The German Hunting Terrier is a robust and sturdy dog with rectangular body shape. Deutscher Jagdterrier Temperament und Rassebeschreibung der mittelgroßen Hunderasse aus Deutschland. Most Jagdterriers do not get along with other dogs and should be watched closely when interacting with dogs of all sizes. It is also advisable to feed him the same formula that the breeder used for at least a week or two. Not only are they excellent hunters, but they also adapt to different roles. These dogs are known for their black-and-tan coloration as well as their work ethic and hunting skills. 48720 Rosendahl. As mentioned in the first paragraph both male and female Jagdterriers are 13 to 16 inches (33 to 41 centimeters) high at the shoulders. Judging his hunting skills by its height and weight is a huge mistake. The first attributes that come to mind when describing the Jagdterrier are hunting and sporting dog. By the end of XIX century in England, mostly was popular a certain type of Fox Terrier - a bright colored dogs with a predominance of white. The vaccinations they’ll need and how often they’ll need to be done depends mainly on where you live and which diseases are typical for your area. Talk to your vet and set up a schedule. Der Deutsche Jagdterrier gilt unter Jägern als zuverlässiger Begleiter. And, it’s not just me – his popularity is steadily on the rise. Large and medium-sized Terriers. Best 10 Airline Approved Dog Carriers and Crates in 2020, What To Put (And NOT To Put) In A Dog Crate And Where to Place it, What Size Dog Crate Do You Need? Is the Jagdterrier the right breed for you? Wenn Sie Welpen von Deutscher Jagdterrier-Züchtern suchen, finden Sie diese und ausgewachsene Hunde über die unten stehenden Anzeigen und in den weiteren Deutscher Jagdterrier-Kleinanzeigen. Perhaps you already own one and can’t stop bragging about it? Jagdterrier requires Moderate maintenance. Neben Inseraten finden Sie viele Informationen rund um … Thick, dense undercoat is a must. Von Vorteil ist eine Wohnung mit großem Garten oder in ländlicher Umgebung. Before buying or adopting one of these little guys, ask the breeder about its parents’ health statuses. From matings with the Old English Terriers was obtained a male, named Meve States. They are loyal, affectionate and committed companions. If at the beginning the most important was the work under the ground on fox and badger, now the Jagdterier is frequently and successfully used as a search dogs on fowl and hoofed animals. Besides barking for entertainment, they will bark for attention and as a sign of protest too. Seine Haltung ist ansonsten ausgesprochen problemlos. Mainly the Jagdterriers are like this and (to a lesser extent) - Fox Terriers, mostly smooth haired, ie those species whose representatives were frequently used in various types of hunting. Here was possible to meet and dark-colored Fox Terriers with a very good hunting qualities. Wenn Sie selbst Deutscher Jagdterrier-Züchter sind, können Sie unter den Hundeanzeigen einfach und kostenlos eine Annonce für Ihren Wurf inserieren . Hopefully not that often, but there are some health issues you should be aware of. Color: black or dark brown with red markings. Discover (and save!) It is loyal to its people but can be scrappy with other pets, never shy of picking fights, even with larger dogs. Basically, out in the field, he rocks! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Grooming: Medium, Shedding: Medium, Coat: Weather proof double coat. Your email address will not be published. Jagdterrier Temperament The Jagdterrier is all terrier in a small package. It is proved that such a dogs were in Germany. Incorporate this into your training schedule. They are intelligent, eager to please and respect their leaders as well as their boundaries. The breed was developed in Germany as a functional hunting dog, and is used there on a wide variety of … Feeding your Jagdterrier. Seite für Liebhaber der Rasse. One of the most common inherited diseases in this breed is an eye issue called primary lens luxation (PLL). When it comes to hunting quarry, the Jagdterrier is hard, single-minded, bold, and agile by nature. The Jagdterrier is courageous and tough, hard-working and enduring. In addition, there were bred the Black and Tan Terriers, as a result of the activities on the revival of the Old English Terrier.
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