The Husky-like dog is also called Wolfdog. Creation of the Tamaskan It is an established breed with a standard, meticulous health testing is done to include Hip x-rays, CERF eye exams, and DNA Sampling. They are low-maintanance in terms of coat care. Country of originFinland [hide]Traits [show]Classification & standards. It is an original breed that is not well-known and likes to work. Here is a list of interesting facts you probably didn’t know about the Tamaskan. The Tamaskan is highly intelligent and makes an excellent working dog. The breed is called the Tamaskan Dog, Do not be fooled by some calling the breed a Tamaskan Wolfdog. The Tamaskan dog is a breed of domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) originating from Finland known to excel in agility, obedience and working trials, along with its ability to pull sleds due to its Husky and Malamute ancestors. 1. They have been known to exceed in agility, obedience and sled racing. These dogs are not health tested and DNA tested the same as required by the TDR. In addition, some breeders promote their puppies as Tamaskans, but the puppies are in fact from parents who are not purebred registered Tamaskan Dogs with the TDR. Tamaskan is a highly trainable dog that can be trained and made a well-mannered adult dog. We became an approved kennel with the International Tamaskan Register and the Tamaskan Dog Register in 2019, with our female Tamaskan, Kiera (Hawthorne Zion). In the US, buyers should be aware that Tamaskan puppies are being produced in puppy mill conditions. There were numerous Shiba Inu's climbing the 6' cage walls trying to get out (he told me he had 40 in an email later). The Tamaskan is a pack dog and does not like to be left alone for a long period of time. Training them early on is important. So many people would like to have a wolf or coyote as a pet: and the Tamaskan is the answer! Tamaskan Dog. I have someone who can pick them up in Lodi, Ohio between the 27th and 28th of November but I need to find transport. So, it is necessary to establish a firm leadership on them and train them with consistency. Tracy & Ben both believe that the Tamaskan has special merit because of their striking resemblance to wolves. Once the decision has been made to get a Tamaskan puppy a $700 security deposit is required to hold a specific puppy or to get on the waiting list for a future puppy. They can be stubborn sometime and will not listen to you when commanded. I am rehoming my male Tamaskan and female Alaskan Noble due to losing my house in a couple months. … Read More Breed description of the Tamaskan. The Tamaskan dog does not contain any wolf in it. Not often do we think about dogs that were selectively bred to make them appear like the wild animal that is the true ancestor of the dog species. Does anyone know of free transportation services and who I can contact. Please understand, once we accept your deposit, you are guaranteed to get a dog; other customers are told that the puppy is sold. It is NOT a wolf hybrid. Wild animals are never good pets; it's not fair to them and it usually ends up in disaster. Tamaskan, Shiba Inu's and Wolfdogs were housed in a filthy wet small garage area. He said he was in the process of adding onto the property. A Tamaskan Dog. They like to live in packs and need sufficient space and exercise. Neko was in a small wet wire crate on the ground with his other 13 brothers/sisters. We were attracted to the Tamaskan breed not only because of their lupine looks, but because of the breed standard which emphasized an active, but friendly family dog and companion.
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