The international master study program Mechanical Engineering and Management at TUHH gives you the opportunity to deepen your engineering knowledge in one of three technical specifications, Materials, Mechatronics, or Product Development and Production. TUHH is a modern and dynamic university, striving for international excellence in research and teaching. Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) bietet Stelle als Professorship (W3) organizational design and collaboration engineering in Hamburg - jetzt bewerben! courses. Two-year Master of Science course. According to a DAAD estimate, you should reckon with monthly living expenses totalling at least 800 €. courses. Hamburg: FH Wedel: Bewerben : IT-Sicherheit (M. Applicants for the Master’s Program in Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering at TUHH should hold a Bachelor’s or equivalent degree in Chemical Engineering or Biotechnology and must provide proof of a very good previous academic performance as well as a sound proficiency in English (TOEFL 90, IELTS 6.5). Education of the highest quality will lead you to the Master of Science degree within two years. or MBA in Technology Management". In a knowledge-based, digital, and global economy, collaboration is a prerequisite for achieving long-term success and competitiveness. Admission requirements (Germany) First professionally qualifying degree with at least good grades, obtained at a German or international university. For the Master of Arts or MBA in cooperation with NIT and G-TIME, additional tuition fees apply! Master's programmes are also subject to additional fees for the mobility programme! Die einzelnen Studienprogramme mit den unterschiedlichen Abschlüssen finden Sie im "Studienangebot" oder auch in dieser Übersicht aufgelistet. Global Technology and Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship, International Production Management (expiring). Die Kriterien b) und c) werden nach der Notenskala der Prüfungsordnung in der jeweils geltenden Fassung bewertet. Das Bewerbungsverfahren für einen internationalen Master-Studiengang zum Wintersemester 2021/22 beginnt voraussichtlich am 14.12.2020 und endet am 01.03.2021. Environmental Engineering. c) Begründung des Studienwunsches insbesondere im Hinblick auf das Interesse einer wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung (Motivation der Bewerbung, persönliches Auswahlgespräch). TUHH is a modern and dynamic university, striving for international excellence in research and teaching. Personen, die bereits ein Hochschulstudium abgeschlossen haben und sich für den Erwerb des Doktortitels an der TUHH interessieren, finden nützliche Informationen zum Thema Promotion hier. It is characterized by features such as humanism, the Humboldt Principle of unity of research and teaching and a solid mathematical and scientific foundation. Admission. Sc.) Important: Joint Master's programmes are also subject to additional fees for the mobility programme! One of them is funded by the European Union under the ERASMUS Mundus scheme and another one is funded by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). Prämierte Poster: TU-Studierende mit Olin BC-Posterpreis ausgezeichnet. The TUHH’s extensive network of higher education partners make this and other schemes possible. Due to the high number of applicants HCU is not be able to return application documents. double degree master's program Combine a German language MSc Program at TUHH with NIT's Master's Program in Technology Management. Enrolled TUHH students: support during your studies. The Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) offers Master's degree courses in engineering in English language. These are referred to as continuing education master’s programs. Only in this way can one acquire the knowledge to keep pace with rapid technological change. In addition to first-rate study programs and modern facilities, students at TUHH find a wide range of complementary offers including orientation sessions, special tutorials, language and humanities courses, sports and cultural activities as well as an accommodation office. Den dazugehörigen Pre-Check finden Sie hier. The Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) is prepared to accept this challenge by offering an international academic program in the engineering sciences. ASIIN was officially accredited by the German Accreditation Council ("Akkreditierungsrat") on 12 December 2002. zweisprachigen Masterprogramme klicken bitte hier.Zu den internationalen Masterstudiengängen in englischer Sprache finden Sie hier entsprechende Bewerbungsinformationen. We are looking for highly motivated well-qualified engineers who wish to acquire an excellent graduate education in a challenging international academic environment. (Tech.) German language Master Programs: Bauingenieurwesen (Civil Engineering) Bioverfahrenstechnik (Bioprocess Engineering) Computer Science; Elektrotechnik (Electrical Engineering) Energie- und Umwelttechnik (Energy and Environmental Engineering) Energietechnik (Energy Systems) Flugzeug-Systemtechnik (Aircraft Systems Engineering) … After you produced your job application including a cover letter and a tailored CV you will master your interview. This sound theoretical foundation is rounded off by a well-balanced mixture of practical application in internships, projects and thesis work. Die TUHH stellt ihre Lehr- und Forschungskapazitäten auch Gästen wie beispielsweise Austauschstudierenden zur Verfügung. Admission requirements (Germany) First professionally qualifying degree with at least good grades, obtained at a German or international university. It enjoys broad international recognition and maintains a closely-woven network of international contacts. Eine Bewerbung für einen deutschsprachigen Master-Studiengang (Ausnahme: Internationales Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen beginnt nur zum Wintersemester) zum Sommersemester 2021 ist vom 01.12.2020 - 15.01.2021 möglich. Are you an international student currently enrolled at TUHH for a bachelor-or a master degree or an exchange program? In addition to that, the master's degree courses at TUHH have been accredited by ASIIN. and graduate (M.Sc.) The TUHH has direct and indirect ongoing international research collaborations with partners in more than 50 countries. With our Double Degree Program you graduate with two master's degrees at the same time. The semester contribution of approximately 300 € per semester includes an administrative fee, a social fee for the student service organization and the student union as well as the payment for a six-month Hamburg public transport ticket. If you are a future-oriented and open-minded human being with a strong interest in innovative education and research, you should join TUHH. Strukturnachweise für Offshorebauwerke . Subnavigation. The TUHH acknowledges exceptional and innovative teaching achievements and capabilities. 2020-08-05 . The Master's degree courses at TUHH are open to students from all over the world. You will engage role plays to experience yourself in different roles in an interview. Oder Sie haben den Wunsch, nach Abschluss Ihres Studiums zu promovieren oder als wissenschaftlicher Gast an der TUHH tätig zu werden? and graduate (M.Sc.) Dann kommen Sie als Austauschstudierende/r zu uns. Sie studieren an einer Hochschule außerhalb Deutschlands und möchten während Ihres Studiums im Rahmen eines Partnerprogrammes gern ein oder zwei Semester an der TUHH verbringen? Eine Bewerbung für ein Bachelorstudium ist nur zum Wintersemester möglich. Successful applicants will therefore contribute to TUHH’s prominent profile of innovative teaching methods with high quality undergraduate (B.Sc.) DOUBLE DEGREE MASTER'S PROGRAM. TUHH is a modern and dynamic university, striving for international excellence in research and teaching. TUHH is a modern and dynamic university, striving for international excellence in research and teaching. Germany continues to improve its reputation for producing world-class engineers. The increasing globalization of markets requires an increasing internationalization of education. Sie haben die Möglichkeit, sich um einen Studienplatz in einem unserer Bachelor- oder Master-Programme oder auch für das Orientierungsstudium zu bewerben. Germany continues to improve its reputation for producing world-class engineers. Suche ändern 8 Stellenangebote zu Maschinenbau Informatik Wirtschaftsinformatik … This press has no available pictures! The courses are in English and German; for non-German speakers a willingness to learn German is expected. Successful applicants will therefore contribute to TUHH’s prominent profile of innovative teaching methods with high quality undergraduate (B.Sc.) Master's programmes are also subject to additional fees for the mobility programme! They will contribute to building the profile of the courses offered by TUHH by means of innovative teaching methods. Our research excellence is the crux of our international outreach program. You will present yourself authentically and professionally and receive … Hamburg: FH Wedel: Bewerben : Künstliche Intelligenz (B. The courses are in English and German; for non-German speakers a willingness to learn German is expected. Working in small classes of students from all over the world, engineers are trained as high-responsibility technology managers. For the Master of Arts or MBA in cooperation with NIT and G-TIME, additional tuition fees apply! Please send an email to Instructor: D.Sc. Für internationale Studieninteressierte der Bachelorstudiengänge - Studienvorbereitung im Sommersemester! Sc.) ). A master's program can build on an undergraduate degree or it can be used to pursue a new field of study. Teaching the methodology and logic of engineering - "learning to think" - is a key aspect of the TUHH studies. Informationen zu den Bachelorstudiengängen finden Sie hier.Interessierte für die deutschsprachigen bzw. Back to News. Dann prüfen Sie bitte regelmäßig den Bearbeitungsstatus Ihrer Bewerbung. The Master program in Civil Engineering explores selected areas of civil engineering in greater depth. TUHH - Technische Universität Hamburg: Bewerben : International Engineering and Management (B. For the Master of Arts or MBA in cooperation with NIT and G-TIME, additional tuition fees apply! TUHH promotes interdisciplinary research, teaching and learning. Majors on offer are . Manching: Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI) Bewerben … The Master's degree courses at TUHH are open to students from all over the world. Franz von Bock und Polach. The Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) offers Master's degree courses in engineering in English language. TUHH; Studium; Bewerbung; Masterstudiengänge (deutschsprachig) Der Weg zum Studienplatz in den deutschsprachigen Masterprogrammen. Schon beworben? Joint European Masters in Environmental Studies: Joint European Masters in Global Innovation Management, Master in Technology Management at the NIT, The Northern Institute of Technology Management, Northern Institute of Technology Management (NIT), Technology Management (Double Degree Master/MBA), graduation qualifications are compatible with the Anglo-American Bachelor's / Master's system, German language courses accompany the program, For the courses funded by ERASMUS Mundus and DAAD, generous scholarships are available for outstanding candidates. The expertise and support of these organisations contributes to the high quality of the programme. The establishment of the International Academic Programmes at TUHH has been sponsored and funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), and the Association of German University Rectors (HRK). Two-year Master of Science course Building on the knowledge acquired on the Bachelor course, the Master Program in Computer Science and Engineering teaches students the skills required to analyze engineering and computer science problems independently and to devise and make wise use of scientific methods of solving them. Archive; You are here: Bildmaterial. Bewerbung um einen regulären Studienplatz in einem Bachelor- oder Masterprogramm (Ziel: TUHH-Abschluss erwerben) oder um einen Platz im Orientierungsstudium Eine Bewerbung für einen deutschsprachigen Master-Studiengang (Ausnahme: Internationales Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen beginnt nur zum Wintersemester) zum Sommersemester 2021 ist vom 01.12.2020 - 15.01.2021 möglich. The base of knowledge covers a wide range, and priority is given to knowledge of methodology as opposed to the mere repetition of knowledge. Applicants for the Master’s Program in Mechatronics at TUHH should hold a Bachelor's or equivalent degree in mechanical engineering and must provide proof of a very good previous academic performance as well as a sound proficiency in English (TOEFL 90, IELTS 6.5). The solid and comprehensive education leads to a qualification and a personality for a promising professional or academic career. Admission requirements (Germany) First professionally qualifying degree with at least good grades, obtained at a German or international university. Dann finden Sie alle wichtigen Informationen hier. Students will be integrated into research and development projects at an early stage, thus providing a smooth transition to working life. Für Bauwerke der Offshorewindindustrie ist in Deutschland der BSH Standard Konstruktion anzuwenden. It should be noted that students at TUHH are trained to think and decide for themselves, to learn and to work independently as well as in international teams representing many different academic, national and cultural backgrounds. Manching: Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI) Bewerben nicht mehr möglich : IT-Ingenieurwesen (B. Two Master’s in parallel: at NIT Northern Institute of Technology Management, students of Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) can up their game with a Master’s in Technology Management. * direct application at TUHH not possible. NIT Northern Institute of Technology Management Wenn Sie sich über unser Studienangebot, das Bewerbungs- und Auswahlverfahren informieren möchten, finden Sie die Informationen im rechten Menü. Sie sind hier: UHH > Physics Department > Studies > Praktika und Versuche > Practical Course for TUHH Students > Experiment instructions Experiment instructions Question catalogue / Auswahl aus … Juli 2016 bewerben. These academic courses are characterised by the following features: Joint Masters in Ship and Offshore Technology. Applicants will be required to teach in both German and English, predominantly in Bachelor's and Master's programmes at the School of Civil Engineering. Press Release. The course is structured on the “3 out of 5 plus 1” principle: students may choose three out of the five blocks offered for in-depth study and in addition designate a major. Furthermore, together with our partner, the Northern Institute of Technology Management (NIT), we can offer 30 very skilled and ambitious students per year the Dual Degree Program "Master of Science in Engineering + M.A. Sc.) It provides you with further knowledge in management and business administration. Wir freuen uns, dass Sie sich für ein Studium an unserer Hochschule interessieren. Masterstudiengänge (internationale Programme), Technologiemanagement (Doppelmaster / MBA), Fit für das Studium - Mathe online auffrischen. Admission. Der Bewerbungszeitraum für die Bachelor-Studiengänge für alle Studienbewerber/-innen beginnt voraussichtlich am 01.06.2021 und endet am 15.07.2021. Education of the highest quality will lead you to the Master of Science degree within two years. ASIIN is a registered German accreditation agency which specialises in accrediting degree programmes from the fields of engineering, informatics/computer science, the natural sciences and mathematics. HafenCity Universität Hamburg - Universität für Baukunst und Metropolenentwicklung (HCU It sets the ideal conditions for unlocking the knowledge and innovation potential of today's technological challenges by combining its engineering expertise in the three focal areas Green Technologies, Life Science Technologies In either case, these are referred to as consecutive master’s programs. Merkliste (0) ZEIT Online Karriere Kontakt Impressum Nutzungsbedingungen Datenschutz Jobnewsletter BOA Berufstest Mediadaten Cookies & Tracking. This allows quick adoption into new fields of technology and new branches of employment. Doppel-Master an NIT und TUHH – Noch bis 15. Highest scientific standards, internationality, interdisciplinarity ? Herzlich willkommen. The profile of higher engineering education at TUHH focuses on research and application.. >> JETZT FÜR DEN MASTER/MBA BEWERBEN ; ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING (MSc) NIT. We are looking for highly motivated well-qualified engineers who wish to acquire an excellent graduate education in a challengin… Further details regarding fees and expenses as well as information on financing your studies is available here. Die Termine für unsere Informationsveranstaltungen für Studieninteressierte finden Sie hier. Jobs; Event Calendar; More News: 2020-08-07. Eng.) TUHH is a modern and dynamic university, striving for international excellence in research and teaching. Klimafreundlicher Fliegen? The TUHH acknowledges exceptional and innovative teaching achievements and capabilities. It consists of an interdisciplinary bachelor's degree course and and 11 Master's degree courses, four of them are given in cooperation with prestigious European universities. Other master’s programs are particularly aimed at prospective students with professional experience. (Please note the different deadline for application to these courses! Here is how it works: at the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), you enroll for an engineering master's program of your choice, …
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